Organ Mountains

Organ Mountains

Sunday, March 24, 2019

Why I Don’t Want to Move to Las Cruces

In the previous post, there was some mention of reasons to move, and not move, to Las Cruces.  Today would be a perfect example of why one might not move here.   It’s sunny, about 80 degrees F, no sign of moisture in the area.  A cold front will be coming in, lowering those temps to (don’t all gasp at once now) the low to mid-60s.  Hey, it’s March.  Gotta expect some of that cold weather to get the flowers ready to bloom in spring, right???
But , back to today……It counts as one of the 350 days of sunshine because it’s clear skies, as in not overcast with clouds.  But that doesn’t mean you can see the sky.  Preceding the cold snap is a wind event. Wind speeds should average around 28mph today into this evening.  Gusts should tip the old anemometer at around 60mph.  That’s high gale wind speed.
This is an agricultural area.  It’s after harvest but not yet time to fully plant the fields.  Ground lies somewhat plowed, dry from the lack of rain (this is the desert still)—perfect conditions for dust storms.  And that’s what we are in the midst of.  The sky looks like the sky over a Los Angeles freeway in the middle of the evening rush hour—-a sickening shade of brown.  None of the mountains are visible, all obscured by blowing dirt.  Air quality is rated “Extreme Unhealthy.”  As we drove to our lecture series this morning we saw people “walking” their dogs—as in, the humans walked with the chihuahua in their arms so the little beast wouldn’t blow away………..
So repeat again, “I’m NOT moving to Las Cruces….[repeat 3X or until it sinks in]” and enjoy your winter weather, even though most areas haven’t had that season yet.  We’ll think of you next time we watch the Weather Channel and you are getting hammered while we are in shirtsleeves and in the middle of a cold snap at 60 degrees…………

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