Organ Mountains

Organ Mountains

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Adventures in Pandemerica

Wow, been awhile-- last post was in May.  How time flies when you're locked down and self-isolating!! Just so busy, busy, busy......

So this past week was a trying one.  As you're all aware, the pandemic is still growing.  Many states have rescinded their reopening plans.  For instance, here in New Mexico, the governor again closed restaurants and bars to in-house service.  So after a few weeks of relaxing on Friday mornings at Nellie's Cafe, it's back to curbside takeout.  The federal government has changed covid statistics reporting---now it will be handled by the DHHS rather than the CDC.  Some issues with transparency considering this is an election year and federal response to the pandemic hasn't exactly been stellar.....

I have been doing some shopping---essentials, like wine, beer, and green chile cheeseburger ingredients.  Still biking to the Las Cruces Farmers Market Saturday mornings.  Last Saturday we went on a little different route, ended up at a blind intersection, and I managed a very clumsy fall and face plant.  No pix because my knee and nose are too scabbed over.  No permanent damage either.

Of course, to add insult to injury, I woke up Sunday stiff and sore (more so than usual) and attributed it to the crash.  We have gotten into the habit of checking our temperature every so often.  To my shock, it registered 100degF Sunday morning.  Now it happened that the Walmart we frequent was ordered closed by the DOH because of virus infection.  It was recommended that any customers who visited within the previous month or so get a test.  I was there a week earlier.  That, added to the cough I woke up with, had me scramble to the Dept. of Health website.

Now New Mexico isn't known for being a leader in education, standard of living, or health care.  But I have to commend the Department of Health.  The website was easy to use and the information was easily found.  The CVS pharmacy chain has a testing location---couldn't get an appointment for over a week and lag times for results could be as long as 2 weeks!!  (There were disclaimers to this effect on several of the private providers information sections.)  I was able to schedule a test on Wednesday July 15 at the NM Dept. of Health office in Las Cruces.    They do from 170-200 tests per day, 7-9am.  I got there at 6:15 and was the 7th vehicle.  They started the testing a little early and, lo and behold, I was home in time for breakfast at 7:00 o'clock!!  Kudos on the testing program.  Should have results in 2-4 days---check a web page with name, age, test date and done!!!

Quite the contrast with the veterinary hospital later in the day.  Again, it's a curbside service--you call when you get there, they call when they're ready to come get your pet.  First, I had to call about 16 times before I got a live person--then was on hold for 7 minutes!!!  I realize the virus has caused changes in customer service but we have been involved with it long enough that I believe a business should have modified their procedures to make sure customers are taken care of in a prompt and efficient manner.  Doesn't seem to be the case for some--and the lesson they should learn is that poor service will cause a downward spiral just as fast as the pandemic and shut downs do.  And the Sharprador is fine and protected from parvo and rabies for 3 years.

Finally, this---Dr. Fauci has been maligned by the administration.  His response is to call it "nonsense".  Given the lack of empathy or understanding of the issues people are facing (and hurting!) of the resident of the Oval and his minions, I'd choose to listen to the scientist rather than the blowhards.

Y'all stay safe, wash your hands, wear your masks!!!! 


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