Organ Mountains

Organ Mountains

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Random Muttering

The headline this morning is about the head of the IMF allegedly sexually assaulting a chambermaid in his NY hotel suite.  Since Dominic Strauss-Kahn is also a front-runner in the upcoming French presidential elections, does anyone else wonder how much Nicolas Sarkozy or Marine LePen might have paid the maid??  I'm just sort of indulging my talk show host persona.......

"Big Oil" execs appeared before Congress asking to keep the deductions they didn't need in 2005 when oil was half the price it is now and profits were lower.  Obama has signaled the okay for more drilling.  And anything this country does to increase production, given our 3% of petroleum reserves contrasted to our 25% of total global petroleum usage, would have no real effect on pump prices for about three years.  Talk about your basic political feel-good worthless actions...Gas prices are ever-rising, naturally right as we plan a trip to CA to see kids & grandkids.

There's a Bayer aspirin commercial airing featuring a stupid American passenger and a smart and pretty Korean flight attendant informing him that aspirin is for this really what Bayer's market research shows??  Americans think aspirin is just for heart attacks??  No wonder we can't get anything done in this country----we really have lost it!!  Tried to embed the video but it appears to be unavailable due to copyright infringement issues on YouTube.  But the impression is that the German pharma giant has a pretty low estimation of the intelligence of the U S traveler and a higher one of the Korean employee--bet they've been looking at the trends in world-wide educational achievement........

Aside from the total lack of credible candidates for president coming from the GOP so far, the political event of the week will be the interplay between Chris Matthews of MSNBC's Hardball and HBO's Bill Maher scheduled to air Tuesday.  I mean, this is the left's version of Hannity and Beck!!  The blow-hards of the Left!!!  All I can say is that if you watch, have a John Deere tractor with a max front-loader scoop because I imagine the bull-shit emanating from this encounter will far surpass any one's ability to shovel it out....

Finally, Monday we should hit the debt ceiling.  And your intrepid Congressman is where??  Not in D.C.  The House is in recess.........Given the marvelous job our representatives have done in removing the scourge of recession and deficits since the 2010 elections, maybe they should STAY IN PERMANENT RECESS...............

Enjoy your week,  hope you don't need to visit the gas pump, and, if you watch TV Tuesday, god bless........

1 comment:

  1. Hmmm !!! Was it a set up or just an arrogant move by a craven sleaze ball. We'll probably never know the truth afterall Bubba tried it in the White House no less. fred
