Organ Mountains

Organ Mountains

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Signs of the Times????

Just a few images to get a flavor for the lifestyles and peoples of Southern New Mexico:

My cousins called their Grandfather "Bebop".  Wonder what he'd have made of a Smart car??  I remember him as a pick-up truck kinda guy myself.

This is the pick-up owned by the proprietor of my favorite restaurant.  That one phrase captures the "flavor" of the establishment.

There is a cart serving food at the farmer's market on Saturday mornings. I'm a little disappointed there's no espanol for "hot dog" but there is for "hamburger."  Or is it just a blatant case of spanglish??

I definitely would not want to married to a woman with the condition expressed on this license plate!!

And of course her hair was frosted............

Chile is the state's dish so of course it would be added to the state's favorite beverage!!!

This picture has been circulated on the 'Net but I had to include it here.  Our petro prices aren't as bad as, say, California but I am researching cars and my next one will be a hybrid or electric.

Now who else would inhabit this kind of terrain?????  This is a picture from the old Las Cruces landfill, now a site for recycling and for the disposal of yard waste.  The picture below is a close up of the actual sign:

Why, there's so many they had to make two words out of "rattlesnakes"............

But be happy this is New Mexico----after all, you could be living in Arizona............ 


  1. So many rattlesnakes, lol! Are you reading this, Fred?

  2. Bill, The favorite Cerveza (beer) in Cruces is "BUD LITE" by far. Get with the program. 30 packs are the beloved. I know we have picked up a lot of them on clean ups.
    F P

  3. now, fred, i know bud lite is the most popular beer but that doen't mean a micro-brewery like rio grand can't marry the two favorite tastes---beer and green chile!!!!!!! and thanks for all your efforts at keeping the desert clear of bud lite cans and packaging........
