Organ Mountains

Organ Mountains

Friday, March 27, 2020

A Case of Corona

     Whoa!!  Been a while since I last posted.  I guess retirement has made me lazy; too easy to blurt out an opinion on Facebook and start a ruckus than to write something in full sentences......
     So like most of the rest of the citizens in some 43 states, we're under "house arrest" here in the Mud Shack too.  But that can't stop us from living.  And besides, it could be worse.  Thanks to the Amazon Fire Stick I can keep up with my blonde girls---Carrie Mathison and Kara Danvers (Homeland and Supergirl). 
     It's been frustrating trying to watch the local news at 4PM on the El Paso ABC affiliate---bad enough it's usually preceded by Dr Oz but lately they've been carrying the "press briefings" from the White House.  Not much information to be gained there from the primary speaker but at least Fauci and Brix try to make sense and provide usable info.  The lack of leadership and the lack of consistent fact/science based presentation just result in more damage than the pandemic itself. And as if there isn't wall to wall Covid-19 coverage already, the local news, normally an hour, is less than half an hour now between network coverage of the Cheeto and the 430-5 slot being devoted to interviews with various El Paso or Las Cruces leaders or medical personnel about the virus.  Thankful for the local PBS affiliate carrying the World channel so I can skip the local news and get real perspective from BBC World News America.  Besides, Anton Chico, chihuahua más valiente, loves to sit in the recliner and watch Laura Trevelyan.  Puppy love, I guess.
    One thing I have done is increase the number of newsletters and sites I visit for accurate information.  No MSNBC, Fox, InfoWars, Breitbart, or Daily Kos.  I believe I'm fully capable of evaluating news items myself.  That being said, I do regularly read/watch Next Draft by Dave Pell, The Recount , and Axios .  If you're looking for digestible information, check them out.
   And while social distancing and limiting travel in the world is appropriate for flattening the curve of the pandemic, it is spring after all.  That means poppies in the Organ Mountain Desert Peaks National Monument:
Poppy Infestation

White Flowers Too

Poppies Up Close

     And of course, the Rio Grande has water right now and there's all those mountains:

Dona Ana Mtns

Looking Grande, Rio

     Despite the shutdowns and limitations on businesses, the Las Cruces Farmer's Market is still open Saturday mornings from 8-2.  It's very limited--instead of the entire downtown district it's only 10-12 food vendors on the Plaza.  Still beats the store though.  Just hope the bakers of my favorite empanadas can stay in business.  Guess I'll find out tomorrow when I ride my bike down the ditches to the Plaza.......And thank god Nellie's Cafe is still open for take out---not as nice as being able to sit there at our regular table and visit with the owners and the regular Friday morning customers, but I'm not sure I could do the stress of these times without that green chile.  And those Friday regulars are all there waiting for their take out too!!
Y'all stay safe, keep your social distance, wash your hands, don't touch your face, and I hope the only case of Corona you get is this one: